Relational Coaching


Relational Leadership Webinars


The most successful businesses are those where people genuinely care about each other and cooperate to achieve peak performance by co-creating special working relationships.  How we behave at work has a direct influence on how we are perceived and increases as we move on in our career. Promotion often pivots on technical expertise and just when our ability to lead and inspire others is needed most we lack the infrastructure supporting us? How many organisations assume a promotion automatically gives us the ‘know how’ to be the best for our people and that we possess the skills to encourage the best from our teams? Some of us are already skilled in emotional and social intelligence. The reality for many of us is that gaining this capability is not automatic – we need help!

How do we overcome the vulnerability of disclosing a shortfall in this assumed mastery in performance management, team engagement and contributing to creating a business where people really want to work and our business is a preferred employer?

We can and will be so much more effective when we can give and be receptive to receiving feedback that helps us grow into our role as leaders. Knowing how to encourage everyone to be respectful of each other and to be enabled to collectively solve interpersonal issues will distinguish our leadership style. With this approach we avoid becoming polarised and instead adopt an expansive worldview, stay calm and face issues with a maturity that oozes professionalism. Who doesn't want this for themselves and those they work with and what organisation wouldn’t want to nurture this behaviour?

Join the enlightened leaders who know it’s a ‘way of being’ that makes the difference!

You now have the opportunity to gain these skills with The Relational Leadership WAY created from evidence-based research.

The 10 themes integral to The Relational Leadership WAY© are organised into 3 parts. These parts represent pivotal points in a conversation that given focused attention will significantly improve your relationships:

1. WHAT you need to prepare to encourage relationships that stimulate constructive conversations

2. ACTIVE engagement in co-creating generative conversations through adopting relational behaviours

3. YOU both noticing and reacting to what emerges and impacts on sustaining the quality of the relationship 

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The first part of The Relational LEADERSHIP WAY© introduces the themes THAT CREATE A POSITIVE APPROACH WHEN RELATING WITH OTHERS :

1. Self Management: regulating emotional state, level of confidence to be transparent and willingness to show compassion for each other

2. Readiness for Feedback: assessing receptivity and possible reaction to feedback 


The second part of The Relational LEADERSHIP WAY© ARE themes OF RELATIONAL BEHAVIOURS THAT encourage everyone to actively participate IN GENERATIVE CONVERSATIONS :

3. Objectivity: being non-judgemental and aware of personal biases

4. Mindfulness: maintaining total focus on all aspects within the relationship and in the conversation

5. Presence: generating flow in the conversation through holistic and grounded participation

6. Timing of Feedback: predicting the best time for sharing feedback


The third part of The Relational LEADERSHIP WAY© ARE REACTIVE themeS THAT alert EACH IN THE CONVERSATION to what needs attention to sustain a productive relationship:

7. Physicality: noticing levels of energy, somatic and kinaesthetic signals and physiology

8. Emotional State: observable fluctuations in emotional stability 

9. Intuition: level of accessible ‘brainpower’ through conscious learned experience and unconscious and sub-conscious channels

10. Metaphysical: paying attention to the felt sensation of what appears to be impacting on the relationship from the wider system



Contact us for more information on the themes of The Relational Leadership WAY and to register for our webinars. You will learn about the skills that create the productive, positive and beneficial relationships essential to cope with the volatility and ambiguity that now exists in our working environment.